Sebelum anda memasuki apikasi VB apotek anda harus login terlebih dahulu.
Langkah 1 :
Buatlah 4 command button untuk mengisi daftar Password,User,Login,Clear dan Exit.
Langkah 2 :
Buatlah 2 text box untuk mengisi tampilan dari Password dan User.
Langkah 3 :
Masukkan Image untuk gambar Login.
Langkah 4 :
Codinglah aplikasi Login tersebut.
Penjelasan Coding :
Private Sub Command1_Click()
If Text1.Text = "admin" And Text2.Text = "password" Then
Unload Me
MsgBox "Maaf Yang anda Masukkan Salah!!"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Text1.Text = ""
Text2.Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If Not (KeyAscii >= 97 And KeyAscii <= 122 Or KeyAscii = 13 Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Or KeyAscii = vbKeyDelete Or KeyAscii = vbKeySpace) Then
KeyAscii = 0
End If
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
If Text1.Text = "" Then
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub text2_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If Not (KeyAscii >= 97 And KeyAscii <= 122 Or KeyAscii = 13 Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Or KeyAscii = vbKeyDelete Or KeyAscii = vbKeySpace) Then
KeyAscii = 0
End If
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
If Text2.Text = "" Then
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdproses_Click()
If Combo1.Text = "analsik" Then
text4.Text = 5000 * Val(text1.Text)
ElseIf Combo1.Text = "Antalgin" Then
text4.Text = 2000 * Val(text1.Text)
ElseIf Combo1.Text = "Bodrex" Then
text4.Text = 1000 * Val(text1.Text)
ElseIf Combo1.Text = "entrostop" Then
text4.Text = 1500 * Val(text1.Text)
ElseIf Combo1.Text = "feminax" Then
text4.Text = 2500 * Val(text1.Text)
End If
If Combo2.Text = "albothyl" Then
text6.Text = 20000 * Val(text5.Text)
ElseIf Combo2.Text = "biolysin" Then
text6.Text = 10000 * Val(text5.Text)
ElseIf Combo2.Text = "curcumaplus" Then
text6.Text = 14550 * Val(text5.Text)
ElseIf Combo2.Text = "hufagrip" Then
text6.Text = 15000 * Val(text5.Text)
ElseIf Combo2.Text = "laserin" Then
text6.Text = 12500 * Val(text5.Text)
End If
If Combo3.Text = "diapet" Then
text2.Text = 2000 * Val(text3.Text)
ElseIf Combo3.Text = "captopril" Then
text2.Text = 5000 * Val(text3.Text)
ElseIf Combo3.Text = "sangobion" Then
text2.Text = 5000 * Val(text3.Text)
ElseIf Combo3.Text = "fatigon" Then
text2.Text = 4000 * Val(text3.Text)
ElseIf Combo3.Text = "supravit" Then
text2.Text = 16000 * Val(text3.Text)
End If
txttotal.Text = Val(text2.Text) + Val(text4.Text) + Val(text6.Text)
txtkembalian.Text = Val(txtpembayaran.Text) - Val(txttotal.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
If text2.Text & text4.Text & text6.Text Then
txttotal.Text = Val(text2.Text) + Val(text4.Text) + Val(text6.Text)
txttotal.Text = ""
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
text1.Text = ""
text2.Text = ""
text3.Text = ""
text4.Text = ""
text5.Text = ""
text6.Text = ""
txttotal.Text = ""
txtpembayaran.Text = ""
txtkembalian.Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Combo1.AddItem "analsik"
Combo1.AddItem "antalgim"
Combo1.AddItem "bodrex"
Combo1.AddItem "entrostop"
Combo1.AddItem "feminax"
Combo2.AddItem "albothyl"
Combo2.AddItem "biolysin"
Combo2.AddItem "curcumaplus"
Combo2.AddItem "hufagrip"
Combo2.AddItem "kiranti"
Combo2.AddItem "laserin"
Combo3.AddItem "diapet"
Combo3.AddItem "captropil"
Combo3.AddItem "sangobiono"
Combo3.AddItem "fatigon"
Combo3.AddItem "supravit"
Combo4.AddItem "2 * sehari 1 tablet"
Combo4.AddItem "1 * sehari 1 tablet"
Combo4.AddItem "2 * sehari 1 tablet"
Combo4.AddItem "1 * sehari 1 tablet"
Combo4.AddItem "1 * sehari 1 tablet"
Combo5.AddItem "2 * sehari 1 tetes"
Combo5.AddItem "3 * sehari 1 sendok"
Combo5.AddItem "2 * sehari 1 sendok"
Combo5.AddItem "1 * sehari 1 sendok"
Combo5.AddItem "1 * sehari 1 sendok"
Combo6.AddItem "2 * sehari 1 kapsul"
Combo6.AddItem "1 * sehari 2 kapsul"
Combo6.AddItem "3 * sehari 1 kapsul"
Combo6.AddItem "1 * sehari 1 kapsul"
Combo6.AddItem "2 * sehari 1 kapsul"
Combo7.AddItem "113487"
Combo7.AddItem "114789"
Combo7.AddItem "119871"
Combo7.AddItem "113425"
Combo7.AddItem "115623"
Combo8.AddItem "114789"
Combo8.AddItem "114789"
Combo8.AddItem "114789"
Combo8.AddItem "114789"
Combo8.AddItem "114789"
Combo7.AddItem "114789"
Combo7.AddItem "114789"
Combo7.AddItem "114789"
Combo7.AddItem "114789"
Combo7.AddItem "114789"
End Sub